Bed bug Pest Control Sydney
What are bed bugs? Where are bed bugs found? How did I get bed bugs?
Need Pest Control For bed bugs?
What is a bed bug?
Bed bug Pest Control Sydney – Bed bugs probably got their name with the close association with human beds where they are often found hiding during the daylight hours. At night bed bugs come out to feed and are attracted to body heat. The bite of a bed bug is normally painless; however, about 80% of the population will develop an allergic type reaction to the bite. The bed bug bite can cause general swelling that extends beyond the area of the bite leaving no red spot at the bite point.
What do bed bugs look like?
Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown, and somewhat oval and flat and about 5-6 mm long or the size of an apple seed. As the bed bug feeds their bodies swell and appear to be red in colour due to the blood they have injected. An unfed bed bug would usually be a cream colour.
The Young:
- Small and colourless.
- General body appearance of adults.
- Turn red or purple when engorged with blood.
- 4-5 mm long.
- Reddish-brown in colour.
- Wingless (oval structure in their place)
- Flat, oval shaped body.
- Body appears to be shiny.
- Piercing/Sucking mouth parts.
Bed bug Pest Control Sydney
Where can bed bugs be found?
Bed bugs are often found hiding in Cracks and crevices including mattress seams, sheets, furniture, behind baseboards, electrical outlet plates and picture frames. Bed Bugs are often found in hotels, where they can travel from room to room and in visitors’ luggage.
What do bed bugs eat?
Bed bugs preferably feed on human blood, but they can also make use of other hosts such as bats, poultry and other birds.
How many eggs can a bed bug lay?
An adult Bed bug under normal room temperatures and with an adequate food supply, can live over 300 days. Female bed bugs deposit their eggs into cracks and crevices or on rough surfaces. The female bed bug lays one to five eggs a day and may lay 200 to 500 eggs in her lifetime.
What is the life cycle of a bedbug?
Under ideal conditions, the bed Bug cycle takes about 21 days from egg to adult. Nymphs go through 5 moults and require a blood feed before each moult. In the absence of blood meals, nymphs have been known to survive for 2 years.
What Impacts can bed bugs cause ?
- Bed bugs feed on the blood of humans and other mammals.
- Bed bugs are not known to transmit any diseases.
- The fear of bed bug infestations and their bites has known to lead to emotional distress
- Bites may result in an itchy welt that can cause discomfort and may lead to a secondary infection
Bed bug Pest Control in Sydney
Do I have bed bugs?
The real answer to this and to know 100% for sure if you have bedbugs is to see the bug itself. Not all bites are caused from bedbugs and by presuming you have bedbugs, you could be giving yourself unnecessary stress!
It is important to realise that it is not possible to provide a diagnosis simply by examining the bite, the reason being is that simply that everyone reacts differently to bites!
If you are being bitten you should consider all possible causes of the bites also taking the following questions into consideration:
- Have you travelled recently?
- Did the bites start after you have come home from travelling?
- Has anyone stayed over that has been travelling?
- Do you have pets?
- Have you seen or heard any birds nesting in or around the window seals/roof cavity/balcony etc?
Bed bug Inspection in Sydney
How can I check if I have bed bugs?
If you believe you may have bedbugs you should inspect the areas marked in the image below looking for:
- Rusty or reddish stains on bed sheets or mattresses
- Dark spots, similar in size to this dot • which are bed bug excrement and may bleed on the fabric like a mark from a permanent marker or texta
- Eggs & egg casings, which are about 1 mm, pale yellow skins that baby bed bugs shed as they grow larger.
- Live bed bugs
Pay Special Attention to:
- The seams of the mattress, chairs and couches, between cushions, in the folds of curtains.
- Mattress Base – Bed Joints especially where the bedhead and side rails meet – Bed slats – Bed legs etc
- In drawer joints
- In electrical outlets & appliances.
- Under loose wall paper and wall art/pictures
- Where the wall and the ceiling meet
- Where the wall and floor meet
Further Reading

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