Rat & Mice Droppings Sydney

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?


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What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?


As the image below shows rat droppings are different from mice droppings.


What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?
Rat and Mice droppings

Mice Droppings


Mice constantly deposit faecal matter in the form of pellets. It is common for house mice to deposit 70 to 150 pellets per day!

Their droppings are brown or black in colour and resemble the appearance of a seed or a small grain of rice.

Their droppings are are commonly tapered at at least one end but can be round.

Mice droppings are almost always found scattered in areas where they explore. It is for this reason that any area where food is prepared and crumbs are likely to be a hotbed for mice droppings.

Many people do not know when their homes are invaded by these pests but one sign that always indicate this is when you see animal faeces around your house.

What does mouse droppings look like? 


Size: Typically 6 mm long

Shape: Small with 1 or both ends tapered (pointed)

Colour: Brown or black

Rat Droppings


Rats deposit faecal matter at a much higher rate than other pests. A rat can leave 25000 droppings a year! This is due to the fact that rats leave droppings as they move.

It is unusual to find rat droppings in clusters, instead they tend to be dispersed randomly. 

A rat’s droppings are dark in colour and soft when fresh, after a few days the colour will fade and the dropping will harden.

Generally the droppings can range from 9 mm -14 mm in length and are relatively  thick.

The shape of the stool depends on what species the rat is, but commonly rat droppings are long and spindle-shaped.

Visually, rat droppings are often compared to a raisin.

What does rat droppings look like?


There are different kinds of rats but they can easily be identified by looking for these things:

Norway Rat:


  • Size: Approx 19 mm in length
  • Shape: larger and rectangular with blunt ends
  • Commonly found in small clusters of 20 or less

Roof Rat:


  • Size: Approx 12 mm in length
  • Shape: Large and curved sausage like shaped pellets with tapered ends
  • Commonly found scattered around

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

If you have found droppings and would like us to Identify them, click to email your photos or contact us on our form via this website.


What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?