Holiday Baking

Holiday Baking

Holiday Baking

Holiday Baking, no added pests!

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Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today

Around this time of year, no one is thinking about pantry pests. The lead up to the holidays keeps most people busy.

When you get to your holiday baking, the discovery of pantry pests could put a stop to your holiday baking plans!

What are pantry pests?

Pantry pests are pests that live in the dry goods in your pantry.

Where can pantry pests be found?

They can be found in your flour, baking mixes, sugar, dried legumes, dried pastas, pet food, bird seed and even just hanging out on your cupboard shelves.

How do pantry pests feed?

Some pantry pests are external feeders. They feed from the outside of the grain, while some are internal feeders that eat the grain from the inside out.

Some pantry pests are considered scavengers that feed on grain only after the seed coat has been broken by another insect or through milling and some are considered secondary feeders, feeding on damp products that may already be damaged through mould growth.

What are common pantry pests?

The common pantry pests that you may find in your home include the cigarette beetle, the confused flour beetle, the saw tooth grain beetle, and the Indian meal moth, and several different types of weevils.

Founpests in your pantry?

Finding pests in your cupboard can be upsetting especially if you’ve never seen them before.

At Pest Control Today, we want to offer you a few tips on what to do if you should find pantry pests in your cupboards this holiday season.

  1. Look through products in your cupboards for more pests. If you find any more bugs, dispose of the product containing the bugs into a plastic garbage bag and remove from your home.

2: If you don’t want to throw away infested products, you can do several things, including:

  • Heat the infested product in an oven at 130 degrees for 30 minutes. This should kill any bugs and their eggs.
  • Leave infested items in the freezer for 4 days
  • Microwave the product for 5 minutes
  1. Pull all food out of your cupboards and do a thorough cleaning of the cupboard space, including vacuuming shelves and washing them down

Further Reading

Pantry Pests Sydney

Pest Control Today has the expertise, skills and superior equipment and chemicals to eradicate any pantry pest infestation.

Our professionals will not only remove any pest intruding into your home but with regular, routine visits, we can help hinder any unwanted pest from moving in into your home or business.


Pantry Pests Sydney

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today



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Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today

It doesn’t matter how clean you keep your kitchen; sooner or later you are bound to stumble into a pest infestation.



Pantry pests, also known as food pests, refer to a variety of small insects that get into homes, commercial buildings or stores to invade and feed on available food.

In homes, these pests are commonly found in food stores and cupboards where they surround the stored food, rendering it in-consumable by people. They mostly prefer feeding on grains, chocolate, dry cereals, spices as well as sugary foods and snacks.

Although these bugs are not harmful to your health and that of your family, they are a nuisance when they invade your food place in large numbers.



No matter how clean your home is, your pantry is vulnerable to pantry bugs.  The pantry pests in your home may have come from outdoors or were hiding inside the food products that you recently brought home.

In most cases, the pests are brought in by infested food products.

In your business, the bugs are likely to come and establish themselves if you have food products that have been sitting in an area for a long time. It Is for this reason they are common in processing warehouses and grocery stores.

The three most common pantry pests found in your kitchen:

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today DRAIN FLIES


Drain flies are a big nuisance. Buzzing around your personal space and annoying you until the point of madness.



  • Also known as sewer flies.
  • Drain flies are often confused with moths.
  • They can contribute to asthmatic issues and can cause problems for those spending time in your home.

Drain flies are more commonly found in the following places:

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today

  • Kitchen drains,
  • Bathroom sinks
  • Shower/bathtub drains
  • Unused pipes
  • Indoor Houseplants
  • Sewer lines under buildings also make for good nesting grounds.

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today

Drain flies will feed on almost anything from decomposed food to human waste & carry serious diseases!

-Pest Control Today

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today



  1. Begin by cleaning the drain or drains.
  2. Using a drain cleaning tool remove the bulk build up from your drain.
  3. Combine 1-part bleach to 5-parts water, flush it down your drains, followed by approximately 4-5 cups of boiling water.
  4. Repeat treatment the following morning by pouring 1/2 cup of salt in the drain, layer it with 1/2 cup baking soda, and on the last layer pour 1 cup white vinegar. Allow the layers to set overnight.
  5. Flush the drains with approximately 2-3 cups of boiling water.
  6. To help prevent future drain fly outbreaks, be sure to maintain the pipes with the above directions periodically.

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control TodayFRUIT FLIES


Fruit flies are one of the most common and annoying of pantry bugs. once they have infested your home, fruit flies are some of the most difficult pantry bugs to get rid of.

Even though they are small, approx. 3 to 4 mm long & they are bothersome.

Some have red eyes while others have darker eyes with a tan thorax. The abdomen of a fruit fly is black and gray.  They may appear to be tan and sometimes brown, depending on the species.

Fruit flies can live and thrive in your home at any time  throughout the year.



Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control TodayTo understand how fruit flies can get into your home and how they can quickly spread, you first need to understand the biology of these pantry bugs. They feed off fermenting foods, and they lay their eggs near the surface of these foods, such as tomatoes, grapes, melons, bananas, and potatoes.

Any ripe fruit or vegetable can attract fruit flies. As it gradually becomes overripe and begins the process of rotting and fermentation.

They can also be attracted to garbage cans, garbage disposals, empty bottles and cans, dirty mops and cleaning rags, and drains—anywhere where they can find a little fermenting material.

They take about eight days to develop from egg to adult, and they lay about 500 eggs when they reproduce.



Fruit flies can smell ripe fruits and vegetables from a considerable distance and attracted by that smell. They enter your home through the tiniest of openings to get at the food you’ve left out.

If you grow your own vegetables, you may bring fruit fly larvae inside with fruits and vegetables you pick. You also can bring fruit fly larvae in on well-ripened produce you buy from the grocery store.

“Any ripe fruit or vegetable can attract fruit flies as it gradually becomes overripe and begins the process of rotting and fermentation.”

-Pest Control Today




You can usually determine this if you notice them flying around your kitchen trash cans, where there might be decaying fruit and vegetables.

The fruit fly is also drawn to alcohol ; therefore, if you have empty alcohol bottles in your trash, this will attract fruit flies.



Two preferred fruit fly spawning locales in your home are in your garbage and in your drain. The best way to keep your home free of fruit flies is to keep these two areas as clean as possible. Take out your garbage regularly and clean your drains often to keep them free of grease, food, and other substances fruit flies love.

To keep your home free of fruit flies, follow these common-sense guidelines:

  • Seal off all openings into your home.
  • Don’t leave overripe fruit sitting around
  • Don’t leave ferment-able food in indoor trash cans
  • Remove any food in your pantry that has begun to rot.
  • Check for spills of juice, wine, or other ferment-able liquid



  • Fill a small, shallow bowl with equal parts vinegar and dish soap
  • Set the bowl near the worst areas of infestation
  • Rinse and re-fill as needed

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control TodayINDIAN MEAL MOTH


Moths are attracted to light, although there are several theories, no one really understands why.

One theory is that moths use the moon to guide their flights, and since there is normally no other light at night, moths mistake outdoor lights for the moon and fly toward them.

Moths use electromagnetic fields as a sort of compass. Our external lights disrupt these electromagnetic fields in such a way that the moths are attracted to the lights instead of wherever they would normally fly.


Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control TodayHOW INDIAN MEAL MOTHS GET INSIDE

Indian meal moths are found in stored grains since grains are one of their young ones’ most favourite foods. Besides grains and grain products, Indian meal moths also feed on cereals, food for pets, dry fruits, powdered milk, candies, chocolate, as well as other processed food products.

An Indian meal moth is easily distinguishable from the rest of pantry pests due to its reddish-brown exteriors and whitish gray interiors.


Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today

“The eggs of Indian Meal Moths can come into your house through food packages like bird seed, cereals and grains, flours, pet food, dried herbs, and powdered milk.”

-Pest Control Today

Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today


Larvae in food: When you see something moving when you pour out your cereal or powdered milk, then it’s almost certain that you have pantry moths.

A larva is a phase that causes damage to your food. When the eggs hatch, the larvae will spin silken threads in the food.

You may see tiny whitish worms and their discarded skins once they have moved away.

Although they are tiny at the beginning of their life, they can grow to 3 inches long with black or brown heads.

The larval phase generally lasts up to 3 months depending on circumstances.

Larvae on the wall: You can examine your house by looking for larvae on the walls or ceiling.

They like to hang in dark cracks and crevices to become a pupa and turn into moths.

Cocoons: Moths in the pupal stage are in cocoons.

They usually hide in cracks and crevices, on top of cabinets, or sometimes they are underneath the food.

You can identify them when you see some matted webs and clumps in the food.

Moths usually take up to 20 days to evolve from pupae stage into adults.

Adult Flying Moths: Adult moths are brownish, have wings, and are attracted to light.

They don’t have mouth parts and, thus, can’t eat.

At this stage, their only aim is to reproduce.

An adult female moth can lay around 400 eggs at a time, and hatch within a week.


  • Clean your jars and cans.
  • Throw packaged food products that are already expired.
  • Turn on other lights.
  • If your external lights are the only light source around, the moths will inevitably flock there.
  • Don’t use white lights. Moths have a stronger attraction to white lights than yellow ones.


For whatever reason, moths hate it.

Burn some citronella candles on your balcony or spray some citronella directly on your light bulbs during the day—it will dry by night-time, and the bulb will radiate the citronella outwards, repelling the moths.


Pantry Pests Sydney - Pest Control Today

Pest Control Today has the expertise, skills and superior equipment and chemicals to eradicate any pantry pest infestation.

Our professionals will not only remove any pest intruding into your home but with regular, routine visits, we can help hinder any unwanted pest from moving in into your home or business.

Cockroaches in Clean Houses

Cockroaches in Clean HousesNobody wants roaches scattering around in their house roaming freely and contaminating their food and utensils; and the moment that cockroaches are spotted in kitchens or any other room often leads to impulsive cleaning and mopping.

Cleaning alone barely succeeds in complete eradication of these pesky pests from houses.

Need Cockroach Control ?


What is in houses that is inviting to cockroaches to invade homes? Why are cockroaches not deterred by cleaning?

The following could be the reasons roaches are invading your clean house!


Cockroaches in Clean Houses

Cockroaches love to hide in corners, small crevices and areas that are hard to reach.  When mopping floors there could be areas the mop just wont reach or get into, leaving these areas open to invite cockroaches into your home.

Areas of consideration such as behind the stove, or under the fridge should be cleaned on a regular basis as splatters of grease/oil or food spillage behind/beside the stove or under the fridge could be the reason cockroaches are entering your home.


Cockroaches in Clean Houses
Always store food items in air tight containers


When cleaning the kitchen remember the pantry. Open food items are a real attraction to cockroaches. Food should always be stored in air tight containers.




Cockroaches in Clean Houses Cockroaches need water to survive and in their search for water end up in your home. Leaking water pipes, dripping taps or even standing water is a haven for cockroaches and they won’t be shy about taking up the opportunity. Other water resources that may be attracting cockroaches could be your pets water bowl, air conditioner and fridge condensation.

All species of cockroaches prefer to live in dark places, and if these places are damp the cockroach has found its resort!  Areas in your home such as the basement, bathroom cabinet or the cupboard under the kitchen sink are wonderlands of everything nice for cockroaches.


Cockroaches in Clean Houses It is not just food items that cockroaches thrive on, they will munch on anything items laying around such as food debris,  rubbish and anything else they can find laying around such as cardboard, books, leather, wallpaper paste, soap, grease, toothpaste, faeces and even human hair!

In saying this there could be an abundance of items which are luring cockroaches into your home.

An important thing to remember is that cockroaches can survive without food for up to 6 weeks!


Cockroaches in Clean Houses When it comes to cockroaches the inside of your home may be spotless but if the garden outside is messy with overgrown grass and bushes then you should not be surprised when cockroaches venture indoors.

Cockroaches need 3 things to thrive, food, water and shelter. Overgrown grass and bushes provide dark shelter, water in flower ports, bird baths, pet bowls or gutters provide an easy water source and as we have previously mention cockroaches are not fussy eaters, so they will much on anything laying around such as mulch or leaves.


Cockroaches in Clean Houses

Cracks or crevices in the wall are ideal hiding places for cockroaches as they also love a solid structure. Considering this, cockroaches will also take gaps between electrical installations as home as it provides them with shelter that is dark and damp.

All cracks and crevices should be filled!

Cockroaches are one of the most common pests found in homes & commercial properties, especially food handling premises. They are probably the most despised and widespread pests known.

Cockroaches are a high-risk pest to have in your home & business as they can cause diseases such as salmonella and gastroenteritis and their droppings have been linked to childhood asthma.

Apart from the health risks, cockroaches to many homeowners are disturbing their sight and the obnoxious odour they produce can contaminate nearby food and belongings.

Cockroaches breed rapidly and are resilient. A quick response is essential to prevent cockroaches in your home or spreading to your neighbours.

Further Reading


Pest Control Today SydneyWe would love to find out more on how we may be able to help you.

 click to call or get in contact with us via the contact form available at our website.


Pest Control Today


Mosquito Prevention Sydney

Mosquito Prevention Sydney

Mosquito Prevention Sydney

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Mosquito Prevention in Sydney is important as mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance, they can transmit serious diseases.

To protect against mosquitoes and reduce the risk of diseases they transmit:

Take additional precautions when travelling overseas in areas with a high risk of serious mosquito-borne diseases.

Mosquitoes can transmit several serious diseases to humans.

In New South Wales, some types of mosquitoes can transmit viruses such as

When travelling overseas to countries that have a high risk of mosquito -borne diseases additional care should be taken by using repellents and other general protective measures to avoid mosquito bites.

Risk factors from mosquito bites in overseas countries can include

What you can do to protect your family this season from Mosquito bites in Sydney


Choose the right repellent for Mosquito Prevention sydney, new south wales

A topical insect repellent that contains diethyltoluamide (DEET), picaridin or one that contains oil of lemon eucalyptus, will provide the longest lasting protection.

Repellents that contain plant extracts such as citronella or tea tree oil,  need to be applied more frequently to protect against bites.

When it comes to repellents, just dabbing it on here and there is not enough to stop the bites.

For the most effective protection insect repellent should be applied as a thin covering on all exposed areas of skin.

Brighten up your summer


Mosquitoes appear to like dark colours, especially dark blue. If you are planning on going outside choose pale colours to wear. They won’t stop mosquitoes from biting you, but it may reduce the mosquito’s attraction to you.

Peak Time – dusk and dawn

Mosquitoes tend to look for blood throughout the night but during the hours between dusk and dawn is when you really need to be vigilant in protecting your family.

Fill pot plant saucers with sand

Fill the saucers of your pot plants with sand. This method traps moisture but prevents water from sloshing around that mosquitoes could otherwise breed in.

Turn on a fan

Circulating air inside the house may assist in hiding you from mosquitoes. The moving air disrupts their flight and disperses the Co2 that we exhale.

Fun Fact: Mosquitoes rely on Carbon Dioxide that we exhale to find someone to bite!

Blue lights Traps – Do not work for mosquitoes

Light traps that electrocute bugs when they fly into them, do not work on mosquitoes. The reason for this is that mosquitoes are not attracted to light, so they will choose to stay away,

Smartphone apps, Really?

You have probably seen apps in the app store or google play store that claim to repel mosquitoes with high frequency sounds. There is ZERO scientific evidence that sounds will protect you from mosquito bites!

Smelly feet & cheese

In recent times scientists have discovered that some mosquito species are attracted to smelly cheese such as limburger cheese. The cheeses smell is produced by bacteria, like that which can be found between your toes, hence the weird link between feet & cheese. Choosing to wear closed in shoes rather than thongs may result in less bacterial odours being emitted, reducing

Mosquito Attractants

Some people have an increased likeliness to be bitten by mosquitoes than others. Some of these reasons are:

Drinking Beer could lead to bites

Studies have shown that drinking beer could increase your attraction to mosquitoes.

High Cholesterol levels attract mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are attracted to cholesterol hence not only lowering your cholesterol levels for health reasons, it can reduce also reduce the mosquito’s attraction to you

Taking steroids attract mosquitoes

Steroids usage whether they are being used to build muscle or for medical reasons there is a downside in the fact that steroids also attract mosquitoes. However, for people who need to take medically prescribed steroids for their health, one other down side the side effects that can come from this type of medication is an attraction to mosquitoes.

Carbon Dioxide attracts mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide from a 50 meters away. Adults exhale more carbon monoxide than children which is a reason that adults are usually more of a target for mosquitoes. Pregnant women are also at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes as their co2 levels increase due to the pregnancy.

Further Reading:

Mosquitoes in Australia 

Where do Mosquitoes Breed

Pest Control Today SydneyPest Control Today can assist you with your mosquito pest control needs. For free advice on mosquito management click to call or contact us via our website.


Pest Control Today

Where do Mosquitoes breed?

Where do Mosquitoes breed?
Mosquito Pest Control Sydney

Where do Mosquitoes Breed?

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Is your backyard prone to mosquitoes during the warmer weather?

Are you constantly looking for solutions to protect yourself, your children and pets from mosquito bites?

Have you ever said, I don’t know where these Mosquito bites are coming from?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then you should keep reading!

No one would knowingly plan to create a mosquito haven in their backyards however if you have ANY still/standing water in your hard then it is almost certain that mosquitoes are breeding there.

To allow mosquitoes to continue to breed around your home is a bad idea. Firstly, they can really make your outdoor time miserable but most importantly they are known for spreading serious life-threatening diseases.

What Diseases are spread by Mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes are responsible for the spread and transmission of:

  • Zika Virus
  • West Nile Virus
  • Ross River Virus
  • Malaria
  • Yellow Fever
  • Dengue Fever
  • Encephalitis

What do Mosquitoes look like?


Mosquitoes have a pair of scaled wings with a pair of halteres. They have slender bodies with long legs. Their size can often vary depending on the species, however mosquitoes are usually no bigger than 15 mm in length and weigh less than 2.5 mg.

These thin-bodied flies are also capable of delivering painful and itchy bites that can have you running indoors.

How do you limit mosquito breeding grounds around your home?


Pay attention to the following areas when eliminating potential breeding grounds

  • Garbage cans
  • House gutters
  • Buckets
  • Pool covers
  • Toys
  • Coolers
  • Flower pots
  • Other containers where rain water has collected.

These containers should be Emptied so mosquitoes don’t have the opportunity to breed in the standing water.


Remove the following items from around your yard that may collect water:

  • Old tyres
  • Drums
  • Bottles
  • Cans
  • Pots and pans
  • Broken appliances
  • Anything else that could collect water

Other Considerations

  • Pet bowls should be emptied & changed a few times a week
  • Replace the water in any bird baths weekly
  • Cover vehicles and boats with tarps to prevent water accumulation
  • Swimming pools should be kept in good condition
  • Empty kids blow up swimming pools when not in use

It is important to remember that by paying close attention to possible breeding areas around your home can decrease the number of mosquitoes you may encounter.

Remember that even if you do limit the breeding zones in your yards this does not guarantee you will be safe from mosquito bites. It is essential that you take additional care when heading outdoors. – More on this subject will follow in the next post.

Preventing the spread of mosquitoes is much more effective than trying to manage them.

Further Reading:

Mosquitoes in Australia 

Pest Control Today SydneyPest Control Today can assist you with your mosquito pest control needs. For free advice on mosquito management click to call or contact us via our website


Pest Control Today


Why Is Winter Pest Control Important In Sydney

Winter Pest Control in Sydney
Winter Pest Control Sydney

Winter Pest Control Sydney


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To bust a common misconception, winter is a major pest season. Just because you can’t see flies flying, you can’t feel mosquitoes biting & you are not disturbed by the site of cockroaches or spiders does not mean your home is free from pests.

When the temperature drops outside, especially overnight and early morning in Sydney, the bugs and rodents get cold and worried, so they will begin to seek shelter from the harsh external temperatures.

Your home becomes their winter sanctuary since it is warm & full of food, which is perfect for pests.

What does overwintering mean?


The term overwintering simply means to survive the winter. Overwintering pests are the pests that are seeking warmth to either survive the colder months or the pests that enter a period of hibernation.

It is common to see pests during winter that are moving into a higher traffic living area. The areas that attract the most sunlight or become the warmer areas in your home are common places that pests during winter are seen.

The insects that hibernate are more than likely to stay hidden during the colder months, but once the weather starts to warm up spring comes around these bugs will begin to emerge.

The dangers of waiting until pests emerge in the warmer months, is the level of infestation where a small issue could have been resolved quickly instead of dealing with a full-blown infestation which could put your families’ health at risk and cause damage to your home and belongings.

What are some Common winter pests – Winter Pest Control Sydney




Rats & mice like us seek warmth and comfort during the colder months in Sydney. Many homes opt to light a wood fire to warm their homes and rodents can easily cosy up to the many possible hiding places in your home.

As rats and mice make their nests inside wall cavities, roof voids and other warm dry places spotting their nests may be difficult.

Most people realise they have a rodent issue either by seeing their droppings, actually seeing the rat or mouse or seeing the destruction they have left behind in their travels.

The damage that rats and mice can cause go beyond just getting into your food, as their teeth grow throughout their life they need to gnaw (chew on things to keep their teeth short). As rats and mice are not picky with what they choose to chew on and have been known to chew on items such as timber, cladding and electrical wiring, which increases the risk of fires.



Termites or also commonly known as white ants do not hibernate during winter. They remain active all year round and can cause serious damage to your home.

German Cockroaches


German cockroaches are a serious problem across Australia, and as they need easy access to water and food their preferred residence is your beloved kitchen!

As they have a sneaky nature they can often go unnoticed as they do prefer to venture out at night when all the lights are off and they are able to find many hiding places.

Winter is an important time for cockroaches as this is when they breed. At the start of winter, the sight of one or two cockroaches may not be alarming to some by spring or summer you may have a full-blown infestation on your hands.

Further Reading

How Do Rats & Mice Survive Winter

Rat & Mice Droppings Sydney

Rat & Mice Control In Sydney


Termite Control Sydney

Is It Time For A Termite Inspection

Termite Inspection Sydney

Cockroaches In Sydney


Pest Control Today SydneyIf you are concerned that your home has become a desired home to winter pests click to call or  contact with us via the contact form available at our website.


Pest Control Today

How Do Rats & Mice Survive Winter?

How Do Rats & Mice Survive Winter?

How Do Rats & Mice Survive Winter?

Rats & Mice in Sydney

Need Rodent Pest Control ?


When temperatures get low and food gets scarce, rats must find a way to keep up the same lifestyle they enjoy in the Spring and Summer.

Unlike other pests that hibernate during the winter months. As the weather cools and the normal food source for the rats & mice become limited, they enter your home, looking for warmth and food.

Pest Control Today have noticed a change in the behaviour and breeding of rats and mice where they are becoming more of an issue all year round. This has mainly pinned to the increase in construction in and around Sydney.

Each year, when winter arrives, we know the calls about rat infestations will increase.

So…. How do they do it?

Storing Food Resources


Rats are not able to fatten themselves up, like other mammals, but they so prepare themselves for winter in other ways.

In Autumn or even late summer, rats and mice become more aggressive in their pursuit of food. Instead of eating opportunistically, they start seeking out extra food in which we believe they may store any extra food they find.

Rats will eat anything, including garbage, so they have a great range. Rats will drag their food findings back to an area they can access easily and leave it there for later.

A favoured food item for a rat may include :

  • Bird seed
  • Pet food
  • Paper
  • Nuts
  • Compost waste
  • Fabrics

Mice like to collect fallen bird seed, so if you have a bird feeder, it’s a good idea not to keep it near the house.

Mice & Rat Burrows


Mice & rats need to stay warm, but luckily for them, they are excellent diggers.

They will seek out a structure like a rock, wall, or fence, and dig a burrow beneath or against it.

We recommend looking for small holes against Air Conditioning boxes and electrical units near your home & along fences.

Rodent burrows are usually shallow and small, with one entrance and exit. They also don’t spend all their time in their burrows, they prefer to venture out to seek food or to upgrade their shelter.

Rats and mice would prefer to use your house for shelter rather than burrowing. If they can find a way into your home, they will use it every time.

Be on the lookout for ways rats could enter your house, such as by eating through insulation or by running along utility lines.

Rat & Mice Nests


Nesting for rats and mice combines both their food storage and their ability to burrow. Rat nests are very similar to bird nests, but dirtier, disorganised, and on the ground. Rats will drag whatever they can find to a secluded place and bunch it all together.

The location of the nest is more important for rats than the material. They will seek out warm, dark places where they won’t be disturbed by humans or other predators.

Their ideal location would also include areas that are most where they can gain easy access to water.

The secret to prevent rats from nesting in or around your home is to deprive them of stuff they like.

Did you know…


Mice can sneak into cars to stay warm during the winter?

Or that…

Mice can leap up to four feet vertically?

Entrance Points


The best way to ensure you keep mice and rats out of your home is to look for any possible entries, no matter how small & seal up these entrance points. Ensure you maintain good cleaning habits, storage and organisation of stored goods.

Mice & rats will do almost anything to get out of the cold, which means you should be vigilant in keeping them out.

Further Reading


Mice & Rat Control Sydney

Mice & Rat Droppings

Pest Control Today SydneyIf you end up with a rat or mice infestation in your home this winter–don’t panic!

Click to call the professionals at Pest Control Today on 0416 070 587 or contact with us via the contact form available at our website.


Pest Control Today

Rat & Mice Droppings Sydney

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?


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What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?


As the image below shows rat droppings are different from mice droppings.


What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?
Rat and Mice droppings

Mice Droppings


Mice constantly deposit faecal matter in the form of pellets. It is common for house mice to deposit 70 to 150 pellets per day!

Their droppings are brown or black in colour and resemble the appearance of a seed or a small grain of rice.

Their droppings are are commonly tapered at at least one end but can be round.

Mice droppings are almost always found scattered in areas where they explore. It is for this reason that any area where food is prepared and crumbs are likely to be a hotbed for mice droppings.

Many people do not know when their homes are invaded by these pests but one sign that always indicate this is when you see animal faeces around your house.

What does mouse droppings look like? 


Size: Typically 6 mm long

Shape: Small with 1 or both ends tapered (pointed)

Colour: Brown or black

Rat Droppings


Rats deposit faecal matter at a much higher rate than other pests. A rat can leave 25000 droppings a year! This is due to the fact that rats leave droppings as they move.

It is unusual to find rat droppings in clusters, instead they tend to be dispersed randomly. 

A rat’s droppings are dark in colour and soft when fresh, after a few days the colour will fade and the dropping will harden.

Generally the droppings can range from 9 mm -14 mm in length and are relatively  thick.

The shape of the stool depends on what species the rat is, but commonly rat droppings are long and spindle-shaped.

Visually, rat droppings are often compared to a raisin.

What does rat droppings look like?


There are different kinds of rats but they can easily be identified by looking for these things:

Norway Rat:


  • Size: Approx 19 mm in length
  • Shape: larger and rectangular with blunt ends
  • Commonly found in small clusters of 20 or less

Roof Rat:


  • Size: Approx 12 mm in length
  • Shape: Large and curved sausage like shaped pellets with tapered ends
  • Commonly found scattered around

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

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What is the difference between rat and mice droppings?

Rat & Mice control in Sydney

Rat and Mice control in Sydney


Found a rat or mouse in your house?



Rat and Mice Pest Control Sydney  – Facts, Identification & Control

Scientific Name: Order Rodentia

What Is a Rodent?

A rodent is a term that is used to group nuisance pests such as rats and mice which can contaminate food, damage property and spread disease.

The rodents that most often come into conflict with people both in residential and commercial properties are:


By instinct are wary of things that are new to their environment, which can include rat control measures such as traps and bait.

They tend to live in roof cavities, under the house, inside wall voids, external burrows, under concrete and porches and in other hard-to-reach places.


Rats can harbour and transmit several serious diseases. They can also introduce disease-carrying parasites such as fleas and ticks into your home.


Invade your home seeking food, water and warmth and each mouse can contaminate much more food than it eats.

Further Reading

What Do Rodents Look Like?

Rodents are warm-blooded mammals that can be found throughout the world. They have oversized front teeth for gnawing which are adapted for chewing.

Rodents chew on a variety of items available to them and cause great damage in and around homes.

Where Do Rodents Live?

Rodents thrive across the world in almost any habitat with access to food and water. Because of their small size, they can be difficult to keep out of a home. Rats and mice only require a small hole to gain access to your home or business

What Damage Can Rodents do?


  • Cause damage to wiring
  • Can chew through floor joists and walls
  • Cause damage to insulation
  • Because rats burrow they can undermine hill sides & retaining walls


  • Unsanitary
  • Multiply quickly
  • Cause significant damage to your home
  • Contaminate food and other materials
  • Chewing mouth parts
  • Implicated in causing house fires

Are Rodents Cause for Concern?


Rodents & Disease

In addition to being tough to control, rodents can carry diseases which can transfer to food with waste, fur, and saliva, as previously mentioned mice can contaminate about 10 times the amount of food they eat.

Rats & mice are also hosts for fleas, which can spread diseases such as Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus.

This illness mostly affects those with weakened immune systems and may result in headaches, fever, and meningitis. It can also cause complications during pregnancy.

What diseases can be transmitted by rodents?


There are several diseases which can be transmitted via rodents such as:

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
  • Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
  • Lassa Fever
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis (LCM)
  • Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Plague
  • Rat-Bite Fever
  • Salmonellosis
  • South American Arenaviruses
  • Tularemia

Fortunately, many of these diseases that are mentioned above do not occur here in Australia but since overseas travel is so easy & many of our citizens do travel overseas where these diseases can be a problem.

Diseases Spread by Droppings


When it comes to droppings it is important that you remove them as soon as possible using gloves and discard of any materials used to collect, seal the droppings in a zip lock bag and dispose of immediately as there is a risk that diseases can be spread when dust in your home is contaminated by a rodent’s urine or droppings.

We all know dust flies and there is a risk that urine or faecal contaminated dust can become air borne throughout your house.

The diseases that are of concern when it comes to rodent droppings are:

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis
  • Rat-Bite Fever
  • Salmonellosis
  • Tularemia

We strongly advice that if you come across a pest rat or mouse that you do not physically hand it as they are equipped with large teeth and can transmit a variety of bacteria, viruses and diseases through their saliva, faeces and urine.

If you find a rodent within your home or business, it is best to contact a pest management professional for removal and identification. The presence of one rodent within a home or business could signal an infestation.

Life Cycle of Rats & Mice


Rodents tend to be rapid breeders. Some species breed year-round, and populations are maintained through constant reproduction.

A single mouse can deliver 8 litters a year and each litter can contain between 4-7 pups per litter, this accounts to an increase of 32-56 pups per year per female mouse!

A single rat can deliver 4-7 litters a year and each litter can contain between 8-12 pups per litter, this accounts to an increase of 32-84 pups per year per female rat!

Seeing these figures, you can clearly see that a mouse or rat infestation can become from bad to worse very quickly.

Do rats & mice hibernate?


Unlike most animal’s rats and mice do not hibernate during the winter months and will actively seek warmth and quickly begin reproducing.

Rats and mice usually more of an issue during the winter months, as the weather cools and the normal food source for the rats & mice become limited.

They enter your home, looking for warmth and food.

However, in saying this, we have noticed a change in the behaviour and breeding of rats and mice. Rats & mice seem to be more of an issue all year round.

This has mainly pinned to the increase in construction in and around Sydney.

What Can I Do to Prevent Rodent Infestations?


Prevention methods should be implemented to maintain a rodent-free home. Rodents reproduce rapidly, and small populations become full-blown infestations in very little time.

Food storage

  • Keep any possible food sources away from rodents.
  • Seal garbage  & goods such as grains and cereals in metal or glass containers to prevent contamination.
  • Store Fruits and vegetables properly
  • Waste in sinks or on counters can invite rodents


Cardboard objects prove attractive to rodents, as they tend to chew them up for use in their nests.

Seal entrance points

Due to the fat that rodents are able to squeeze their bodies into small holes. Close all holes to prevent entry and re-entry of rodents.

Contact a pest control professional for assistance.

Rodents are some of the most adaptable creatures on the planet and can be extremely difficult to exterminate.



Rat & mice infestations cause considerable damage to infested buildings and agriculture.



Rodents are carriers of many diseases and are a health hazard to humans.



Rodent populations grow quickly and steadily.

To protect your home, garden and health from existing rodent infestations, professional, customised solutions are often necessary.

Problems with Do it yourself

Homeowners may seek DIY treatment solutions to their rodent problems. Many of the suggestions online are not capable of addressing full-blown rodent infestations.

Further Reading:

List of Rodents in Australia


House Mouse

Mouse Plagues in Australia


Contact a Professional

Pest Control Today SydneyIt is recommended that anyone experiencing a rodent infestation contact a pest control professional to arrange for a consultation.

If you have an issue with rats or mice in Sydney click to call Pest Control Today or get in contact with us via the contact form available at our website.


Rat and Mice Pest Control Sydney