Found Flying Ants or Termites?
With Spring just a few days away generally speaking most people would be envisioning warmer days & the flowers that are due to bloom.
In the pest control industry spring means the start of our peak season when insects are coming out of hibernation and their winter hiding spots.
Additionally, the biggest pest threat to Australian homes during Spring is termites!
Termites are an insect that have survived millions of years, they are social in their behaviour and they live in colonies that are usually located in the ground or in wood.
Furthermore, termites cause billions of dollars in property damage each year and not to mention often home owners insurance does not cover termite attacks.
As a matter of fact, termites typically remain out of site damage can go unnoticed for years which is why it is essential for homeowners to understand the social structure of a termite colony.
With this in mind home owners should realise that in spring when the temperature rises the young male and female swarmers leave their nests in large groups in search of a site to set up home.
The female releases an odour known as a mating pheromone to entice male termites. When a male finds a female they break off their wings that symbolises that they are a couple. The most compelling evidence of this is when customers call informing us they have located discarded wings in areas around their house.
The newly joined couple need to seek out a location to start their nest, where they will become the king and queen of the new colony.
What do Termite Swarmers Look Like?
Termite alates or swarmers can look like flying ants. There is a simple way to determine if the flying ants you are seeing are termites or flying ants, and this is simply by how many body sections there are.
As can be seen in the image below – Termite alates have 2 body sections while standard flying ants have 3.
Differences in appearance and behaviour between ants and termites:
- Termites have a straight waist, ants have a pinched waist.
- Ants have bent antennae, termites have straight antennae,
- Termites wings are the same length, ants have wings of different length.
- Flying ants do not shed their wings.
- In the event that you have seen flying ants or have found discarded wings, you may have identified termites in your property.
Pest Control Today highly recommends that you should be conducting annual termite inspections.
In the hope that you can prevent a termite invasion ask yourself Is it time for a termite inspection?
Further Reading
Pre Construction Termite Treatments
Pre Construction Termite Protection Sydney
Each property, building and location is different, a customised management solution should be designed to suit your specific needs.
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