Mosquito Prevention Sydney

Mosquito Prevention Sydney

Mosquito Prevention Sydney

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Mosquito Prevention in Sydney is important as mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance, they can transmit serious diseases.

To protect against mosquitoes and reduce the risk of diseases they transmit:

Take additional precautions when travelling overseas in areas with a high risk of serious mosquito-borne diseases.

Mosquitoes can transmit several serious diseases to humans.

In New South Wales, some types of mosquitoes can transmit viruses such as

When travelling overseas to countries that have a high risk of mosquito -borne diseases additional care should be taken by using repellents and other general protective measures to avoid mosquito bites.

Risk factors from mosquito bites in overseas countries can include

What you can do to protect your family this season from Mosquito bites in Sydney


Choose the right repellent for Mosquito Prevention sydney, new south wales

A topical insect repellent that contains diethyltoluamide (DEET), picaridin or one that contains oil of lemon eucalyptus, will provide the longest lasting protection.

Repellents that contain plant extracts such as citronella or tea tree oil,  need to be applied more frequently to protect against bites.

When it comes to repellents, just dabbing it on here and there is not enough to stop the bites.

For the most effective protection insect repellent should be applied as a thin covering on all exposed areas of skin.

Brighten up your summer


Mosquitoes appear to like dark colours, especially dark blue. If you are planning on going outside choose pale colours to wear. They won’t stop mosquitoes from biting you, but it may reduce the mosquito’s attraction to you.

Peak Time – dusk and dawn

Mosquitoes tend to look for blood throughout the night but during the hours between dusk and dawn is when you really need to be vigilant in protecting your family.

Fill pot plant saucers with sand

Fill the saucers of your pot plants with sand. This method traps moisture but prevents water from sloshing around that mosquitoes could otherwise breed in.

Turn on a fan

Circulating air inside the house may assist in hiding you from mosquitoes. The moving air disrupts their flight and disperses the Co2 that we exhale.

Fun Fact: Mosquitoes rely on Carbon Dioxide that we exhale to find someone to bite!

Blue lights Traps – Do not work for mosquitoes

Light traps that electrocute bugs when they fly into them, do not work on mosquitoes. The reason for this is that mosquitoes are not attracted to light, so they will choose to stay away,

Smartphone apps, Really?

You have probably seen apps in the app store or google play store that claim to repel mosquitoes with high frequency sounds. There is ZERO scientific evidence that sounds will protect you from mosquito bites!

Smelly feet & cheese

In recent times scientists have discovered that some mosquito species are attracted to smelly cheese such as limburger cheese. The cheeses smell is produced by bacteria, like that which can be found between your toes, hence the weird link between feet & cheese. Choosing to wear closed in shoes rather than thongs may result in less bacterial odours being emitted, reducing

Mosquito Attractants

Some people have an increased likeliness to be bitten by mosquitoes than others. Some of these reasons are:

Drinking Beer could lead to bites

Studies have shown that drinking beer could increase your attraction to mosquitoes.

High Cholesterol levels attract mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are attracted to cholesterol hence not only lowering your cholesterol levels for health reasons, it can reduce also reduce the mosquito’s attraction to you

Taking steroids attract mosquitoes

Steroids usage whether they are being used to build muscle or for medical reasons there is a downside in the fact that steroids also attract mosquitoes. However, for people who need to take medically prescribed steroids for their health, one other down side the side effects that can come from this type of medication is an attraction to mosquitoes.

Carbon Dioxide attracts mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide from a 50 meters away. Adults exhale more carbon monoxide than children which is a reason that adults are usually more of a target for mosquitoes. Pregnant women are also at a higher risk of being bitten by mosquitoes as their co2 levels increase due to the pregnancy.

Further Reading:

Mosquitoes in Australia 

Where do Mosquitoes Breed

Pest Control Today SydneyPest Control Today can assist you with your mosquito pest control needs. For free advice on mosquito management click to call or contact us via our website.


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Where do Mosquitoes breed?

Where do Mosquitoes breed?
Mosquito Pest Control Sydney

Where do Mosquitoes Breed?

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Is your backyard prone to mosquitoes during the warmer weather?

Are you constantly looking for solutions to protect yourself, your children and pets from mosquito bites?

Have you ever said, I don’t know where these Mosquito bites are coming from?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then you should keep reading!

No one would knowingly plan to create a mosquito haven in their backyards however if you have ANY still/standing water in your hard then it is almost certain that mosquitoes are breeding there.

To allow mosquitoes to continue to breed around your home is a bad idea. Firstly, they can really make your outdoor time miserable but most importantly they are known for spreading serious life-threatening diseases.

What Diseases are spread by Mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes are responsible for the spread and transmission of:

  • Zika Virus
  • West Nile Virus
  • Ross River Virus
  • Malaria
  • Yellow Fever
  • Dengue Fever
  • Encephalitis

What do Mosquitoes look like?


Mosquitoes have a pair of scaled wings with a pair of halteres. They have slender bodies with long legs. Their size can often vary depending on the species, however mosquitoes are usually no bigger than 15 mm in length and weigh less than 2.5 mg.

These thin-bodied flies are also capable of delivering painful and itchy bites that can have you running indoors.

How do you limit mosquito breeding grounds around your home?


Pay attention to the following areas when eliminating potential breeding grounds

  • Garbage cans
  • House gutters
  • Buckets
  • Pool covers
  • Toys
  • Coolers
  • Flower pots
  • Other containers where rain water has collected.

These containers should be Emptied so mosquitoes don’t have the opportunity to breed in the standing water.


Remove the following items from around your yard that may collect water:

  • Old tyres
  • Drums
  • Bottles
  • Cans
  • Pots and pans
  • Broken appliances
  • Anything else that could collect water

Other Considerations

  • Pet bowls should be emptied & changed a few times a week
  • Replace the water in any bird baths weekly
  • Cover vehicles and boats with tarps to prevent water accumulation
  • Swimming pools should be kept in good condition
  • Empty kids blow up swimming pools when not in use

It is important to remember that by paying close attention to possible breeding areas around your home can decrease the number of mosquitoes you may encounter.

Remember that even if you do limit the breeding zones in your yards this does not guarantee you will be safe from mosquito bites. It is essential that you take additional care when heading outdoors. – More on this subject will follow in the next post.

Preventing the spread of mosquitoes is much more effective than trying to manage them.

Further Reading:

Mosquitoes in Australia 

Pest Control Today SydneyPest Control Today can assist you with your mosquito pest control needs. For free advice on mosquito management click to call or contact us via our website


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